We at Fitness Heroics have a great community of people and support. But sometimes, what we as CrossFitters actually consider “normal” inside the box is entirely inappropriate when being practiced in the outside world.
1.) We all know that the first rule of CrossFit is to never shut up about CrossFit, but it seems that unfortunately most people outside of your box do not want to hear about it. But hey, you know that all of your CrossFit family would love to discuss ad nauseam how awesome being a CrossFitter truly is! From the inspiring body transformations to the endless fodder for jokes that CrossFit brings, please indulge these aspects of our culture, just try to keep your audience in mind!
2.) Chalk fixes everything. The more chalk you use the better you do. Well that might not be all true but if you are in the box chalk everywhere means you just killed a great barbell WOD or pull up day . However walking around with chalk all over is not the best fashion accessory that you can wear.
3.) Post WOD sweat angels appear after a hard WOD. In life when you exeperience a hard task it’s not normal to just fall over. In CrossFit at the end of a hard WOD, laying down asking yourself how you didn’t die is a great accomplishment !!
4.) You start talking about the WOD’s like they are your friends. How long did it take you to do FRAN ? What about Grace ? Oh Muph just sucks. Be careful of who your speaking with because they just might think you don’t like your friends.
5.) 3..2…1.. GO OMG I just PEED a little. Telling people how you accidentally peed in the middle of 200 DU is completely acceptable in CrossFit. On a social level people wouldn’t understand that when you jump around a lot things happen and your time is more important than your dignity at that moment.
6.)Bacon is Paleo so I talk about it ALL the TIME ! Yes Paleo and bacon are besties when talking CrossFit. Just don’t start talking about your bacon obsession with a Vegan who has a different opinion about your bacon addiction.
7.) Sometimes our ling gets a little raunchy. It’s hard to get through a tough workout when you have a “that’s what she said” joke running for the daily WOD. It might not be a good idea to say things like “Make sure you get deep enough with your thrusters.” or “I prefer the snatch, but I also love jerking.” when talking to your boss.
8.) It’s WOD time.. SHIRTS COME OFF ! It’s like all of a sudden you realize you can’t workout and have a shirt on at the same time. While the taking-off-of-the-shirt mid-workout is common at most gyms, and in my opinion it signifies that things are starting to getting real, I would not recommend this action during a PTA meeting or while you’re waiting in line at Starbucks.
9.) We GRUNT, YELL, SCREAM and CRY… a lot. In a hard workout you just need to let the emotions roll. Sometimes that grunt at the end of a hard lift is all you need to stand it up. However, you wouldn’t want to be grunting all the time in your daily living because you would just seem obnoxious.
10.) The infamous DU WHIP. You just got done with Annie. Doing 50-40-30-20-10 of DU and sit ups. You leave the gym with whip marks all over your body and head into your daily life. People start to wonder “what” extracurricular events you are doing in your free time !