Fitness Heroics – CrossFit
We gonna sing today
-Warrior 2
-Crescent Warrior
Sky’s out, thighs out (No Measure)
3 Rounds
10 Stiff Leg deadlifts w/ PVC
10 Lunges
Inch Worm down gym
CrossFit Musical (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Back Squats, 35% of 1RM “Flowers” by Moby.
-Squat down when the song says “Sally Down.”
-Stand when the song says “Sally Up.”
Push ups, “let the drummer kick” by Citizen Cope
-Go down when you hear “Kick..”
-Come up when you hear “Kick.”
Deadlifts, (same weight as Back Squat) “Thunderstruck” by AC/DC
-Do 1 deadlift any time “thunder” is said during the song.
Sit-ups, “Around The World” By Daft Punk
-Do 1 sit-up every time “world” is spoken in the song.
To claim RX on this WOD you must be able to preform all exercises at the appropriate cadence.
1. During “Flowers” you are NOT allowed to set the weight down.
2. During “Let The Drummer Kick” you are not allowed to take weight off arms or set knees down.
3. During “Thunderstruck” you only have to keep cadence.
4. During “Around The World”… only have to keep cadence…..yeah about that.
1 Round is successfully completing 1 song at the given cadence. If you fall behind on cadence the remainder of the song turns into an AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible).
Cash Out
I regret nothing