Fitness Heroics – CrossFit Epically Awesome
We are starting a new month long strength cycle based off of the Starr Model of 3 days a week of Heavy, Light, Medium loads for a Squat, Press, and Pull.
In the Original model they have you doing Squat, Press, and Pull every other day. In class we will be focusing 1 week on each section. (EG Week 1 Squats, Week 2 Press, Week 3 Pull, Week 4 Squats, etc.)
If you would like to maximize your strength over the next month I highly suggest doing the added “Weightlifting” portion in the “Superhero Training.”
Decide NOW if you are going to commit to this or NOT. You can always start it a week late but it will not be as effective.
DO YOU want to be stronger this next year? Yes, find the time and do the programming. You’re body doesn’t care about your excuses ๐
Back Squat (5X5)
Your 5×5 can be at different weights. EG 110×5, 115×5, 120×5, 120×5, 120×5
Superhero Training
Bench Press (5×5)
Your 5×5 can be different weights.
Deadlift (1×5)
Perfect Form.