Fitness Heroics – CrossFit Epically Awesome
Couch Stretch
6 min (Hip/Shoulders) (No Measure)
6 minute AMSAP
(As Many Stretches As Possible)
5 Air Squats
6 Lunges
7 Push-ups
8 Overhead squats
CrossFit Musical (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
BACK SQUATS @ 35% of 1RM “Flowers” by Moby.
-Squat down when the song says “Sally Down.”
-Stand when the song says “Sally Up.”
PUSH-UPS- “let the drummer kick” by Citizen Cope
-Go down when you hear “Kick..”
-Come up when you hear “Kick.”
DEADLIFTS- (same weight as Back Squat) “Thunderstruck” by AC/DC
-Do 1 deadlift any time “thunder” is said during the song.
SIT-UPS- “Around The World” By Daft Punk
-Do 1 sit-up every time “world” is spoken in the song.
Completing 1 song with all the reps ON PACE counts as 1 round. Pace is completing the given rep before the next phrase is spoken.
Superhero Training
Bent Over Row (3x 10 @ same weight)
Double-Unders (3 Sets of ME)
Record total number and each set.
3 minute break in between sets.
1/4 Run Sprints (Time)
4 rounds for time
Sprint .25 miles
rest 1:1