Fitness Heroics – CrossFit Epically Awesome
Twisted Cross
-3 Minutes each side
KB/Cardio Warm-Up (No Measure)
8 Minute Intervals
1. Jump Rope
2. Air Squats
3. High knees RX+: Hold arms out to the side
4. KB Swings
If you struggle with pull-ups do the Max Effort on a scale.
If you are good at strict pull-ups do weighted pull-ups
Either one you do super set it with side planks. REQUIRED.
Weighted Pull-ups (3×8)
Pull-ups (3x Max Effort)
Side Planks (3x ME. Every Second = 1 rep)
Metcon (Time)
4 Rounds for Time
20 Box Jumps, 24/20
30 Wall Ball, 20/14
10 Pull-ups or RX+: 5 Muscle-ups