Fitness Heroics – CrossFit Epically Awesome
Pro Tip of the Day: Don’t Partner with Grant
Dealers Choice:
Shoulder Stability w/ KB OH
Banded Hip Flexors
Upright Titanic Full Nelson
Pro Tip of the Day: Don’t Partner with Grant
Dealers Choice:
Shoulder Stability w/ KB OH
Banded Hip Flexors
Upright Titanic Full Nelson
high hang squat cleans 3 x 5
stretch lats with bands
3 rounds
3 deadlifts
3 deadlifts with high pull
3 hang power cleans
3 front squats
3 squat cleans
Keep a running count on this wod. It will switch every 3 mins with a 2min break between rounds.
3 Min AMRAP #1
10 Front squat ( 95/75)
10 Push press
Rx: as written
Rx+: 115/85; HSPU
rest 2min
at 5 min on the clock
3 Min AMRAP #2
10 Back Squat (95/75)
10 Burpees
Rx: as written
Rx+: 115/85; OTB burpees
Rest 2 min
at 10 min on the clock
3 Min AMRAP#3
10 hang power clean (95/75)
10 Hanging leg raises
Rx: as written
Rx+: 115/85; TTB
row 1000 m
lat stretch with bands
3 Rounds for unbroken reps
Max Effort Double Unders unbroken
Rest 2 minutes
10 x 200 M sprints with 1 min break between each
at the end of the 5th sprint, you get 2 min rest.
score is total time for all sprints including the break
single leg deadlfit 3×10/ leg
Pigeon pose or Banded Hamstrings (Sounds like a band name…..dibs)
3 Rounds w/ Bar
5 Deadlifts
5 DL w/ High Pull
5 Power Cleans
5 Press
5 Front Squats
5 Thrusters
Follow this rep sequence up to your 90%
2 x 5 @ 75%
2 x 4 @ 80%
2 x 3 @ 85%
2 x 2 @ 90%
Deadlifts @ 50% 1 Rep Max
Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups
Deadlift, 55% 1 Rep Max
couch stretch
4 rounds for time
10 WallBalls
10 Strict hanging leg raises
10 Front squats
Rx: 20/14; 135/95
Rx+:toes to bar; 225/155
3 x 10 Overhead squat with empty bar
bar stretch for shoulders and chest
2 rounds with an empty bar
– Run 400 m
– 5 Snatch pulls
– 5 Power snatches
– 5 OH squats
– 5 snatch balances
– 5 squat snatch
Preform 1 Snatch balance to begin Overhead Squats
Last Set is Max Reps
Pick from the following 2 WODs.
You only have to do 1 WOD…Calm Down
8 Minute cap for both WODs
For Time: 30 Snatches, 135# / 95#
If you cant do 135#/95#, find a weight that is heavy but not a 1 Rep Max.
For Time:
75 Power Snatches, 75#
In honor of Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member who was killed February 6 in the line of duty.
To learn more about Randy click here
Females: 55#
3 x 10 strict pull ups or 3 x 10 lat pulldowns.
pigeon pose
15 min AMRAP
25 weighted sit ups
400 M run
10 squat cleans
Rx+: 135/95
dumbbell fly on bench 3 x 10
pec stretch with bands
3 Rounds
10 Bench Press
5 Inch Worm Push-ups
10 burpees
10 OH Press with Band
For time
500 M row
50 Sit ups
400 M row
40 Hanging Leg Raise
300 M Row
30 Burpees
200 M Row
20 Box Jumps
100 M Row
10 HSPU or 5 wall walks
Rx: 24″/20″
Rx+: 24″/20″ holding stick overhead; TTB; HSPU
Running substitute
600 M- out the gate to the left
500 M- run the 400 then to the telephone pole just past our entrance and back in.
400 M- to the stop sign
300 M- to the main entrance to the funeral home.
200 M- Over the crosswalk
3 x 20 UB kettlebell swings
lat stretch with band
Max Height Box Jump
4 rounds for time
500 M row
15 Push press
Rx: 95/75
Rx+: 135/95
Good mornings 3 x 15 with empty bar
couch stretch
1 Minutes of Burpees
5 minutes of
5 Push-ups
5 Cleans
5 Jerks
5 Back Squats
Today is 1 RM day !
10 Min ARMAP
30 DU or 90 singles
10 hang power cleans
30 DU or 90 singles
10 thrusters
Rx: 95/65
3 x 10 toes to bar or haning leg raises
lat stretch
accumulate 3 min in an L-sit position for 2 sets
3 rounds for time
15 Deadlifts
5 bar muscle ups
Scaled: 135/95; seated dumbbell press; chest to bar pull ups
Rx: 225/155