Be like Brooke Ence Ep 3 – Doing the Open WOD 14.4. I promise I am ok after that last muscle up. It looks far worse than it really was hahaha enjoy
Use Coconut for good health !
Wednesday Motivation
I originally had a different video planned to show y’all but after Janet sent me this I had to share it. This gentleman makes a very good point about what how your fitness transfers into the longevity of being independent in your life for longer. What I mean by that is the fact that you don’t need someone to help you off the toilet or get out of bed or help you walk around.
Some of my favorite moments of training clients have been the older generation group because they have the most to gain. Its easy as a young kid to preach health when my metabolism is fast and I can fall down and get off the floor like nothing happened, its easy to say fitness matters when these things are easy.
When those things not only become hard but possibly life threatening, that is when your fitness matters the most. When you’re young and the consequences of your health/fitness are years down the road its easy to let it fall to the way side. Take the forethought to plan ahead. Everyone should be exercising and lifting weights in one capacity or another. Whether it is bodybuilding, powerlifting, CrosssFit, Body Pump, etc. I say I want to live to be 100 years old. Why? cause life is awesome and I want to keep enjoying it. Can’t really enjoy it that much when getting off the toilet is a struggle.
ANY WAY… Enjoy the video 🙂
5 yoga moves for better living !
If you move, workout, train, or just need to feel more flexible, practicing the art of yoga will help you accomplish all of those things. Over time, if you fail to move your body without proper mobility and stretching, it can lead to imbalances in the body resulting in sprains, pains, and injuries. Yoga is a wonderful tool to help mobilize and stretch tough spots where we need more mobility.
Benefits of a Consistent Yoga Practice
Improved Performance
Reduced Risk of Injury
Faster Recovery
Improved Balance and Agility
Improved Focus and Concentration for Competition
Increased Strength and Flexibility
Prevention of Sports Related Injuries
Greater Range of Motion
Improved Circulation
5 poses to do at least 3 times a week!
Downward-Facing Dog
Bring the hands shoulder width apart and feet hip with apart. Press your hands and feet down into the floor. Lengthen through your spine and release the shoulders down the back. Stretch your heels down into the floor. Press the bases of the index fingers actively into the floor.
Seated Pigeon Pose
In a seated position cross the right left over the left, placing your left foot down on the floor flat. Your hands should be behind your body and pressing gently through the floor. Open your chest and extending up through the the spine. Repeat on the opposite side.
Crescent Lunge
Step your right leg through into a low lunge pose. Place your hands on floor finding a deep lunge as you release your back knee down into the floor. Extend the arms upward to take the stretch in the upper body. Repeat on the opposite side.
Standing Forward Bend
Start in a standing position the right leg should be at the top of your mat and the left leg behind you. Keeping your feet about hip distance apart and ground all four corners of the feet to the mat for balance and stability. Fold down over the front leg in a forward bend. Keep your neck relaxed by looking down towards the floor as you go deeper into the forward bend. Repeat on the opposite side.
Pigeon Pose
Begin to heel toe the right foot over in the front of your mat. Your back left leg should extend straight out from the hip behind you and rotate slightly inward. Gently drape your body over the right leg. You can also try reaching the arms upward to stretch through the chest and spine. Repeat on the opposite side.
Take your time and be patient when starting a new yoga practice. Build your yoga practice slowly over time. At first many athletes especially runners, will find many of the poses challenging due to tight musculature. Try to find a local yoga class or yoga teacher, look at your form and give you any modifications.
Be like Brooke Ence Ep 2
Be Like Brooke Ence Day/Challenge/Episode #2 – Me trying to just keep up and not die on this one. It was awesome! I really did eat ice cream while editing this one 🙂
Food For Thought
Food for thought Ep 2 – talking about attendance and accountability and a little bit on how to manage it all.
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