Fitness Heroics – CrossFit Epically Awesome
accumulate 2 mins. at the bottom of the squat and hold it there !!!
use lacrosse ball on upper back and scap.
8 Min AMSAP (General #2) (No Measure)
8 Minute AMSAP
30 DOuble Unders
90 Single Jumps
5 Push-ups
5 Sit-ups
5 Squats
20 Pass thrus w/ Jump Rope
Push Jerk (3 x 5)
10/21/15 (Time)
5 rounds for Time
5 KB Push Press/ arm
10 push ups
15 Air Squats
20 single arm KB swing EYE level
200 meter run
Rx+:(53/35); use 20# med ball for run
50 iron mikes
Superhero Training
Pec minor with ball
Close Grip Bench Press (3 x 10)
Hands inside shoulder width.
10 Mins of handstand work. Focus on freestanding holds, handstand walks etc.
10/21/15 SH (Time)
Bench press
Knees to elbows ( bar or rings)
Rx: 80-85% of skill today
Rx+: 90% of skill today
Are YOU waiting for the “Perfect” time ?
Always waiting for the “perfect time” to get started?? To learn a new skill? To eat better? To exercise more? If so, here’s something to think about.
When I get a different job.
When things are less busy.
When I find a workout partner.
When I find the right equipment.
When I feel less awkward in the gym.
When I lose 20 lbs.
When I get the right workout routine.
When my fridge is full of the right foods.
Tomorrow. Next week. Never.
Sound like an ongoing list of excuses that you are feeding to yourself as to why today isn’t the right time to start. What is making you wait for the “perfect” time? Is it fear of failure, embarrassment, or criticism? This is unfortunate and can be the biggest cause of you not getting the results you want out of life. Let’s face it, there is NO magic moment or perfect time to start something new. You need to get out there and go for it.
No one but you can do it for yourself. You need to make the time and find the “perfect” start for you ! At times you look at others and think that it just comes easy to them. They have the time to dedicate to something new. But why not you ? Everyone has 24 hours in a day and you have to make the time for things that are a priority or they will not be accomplished.
Hear this now and at this specific time: That perfect moment is now. Here. Today. You have the power to start! Because that is all you ever have: right now. Don’t think about NEXT, think of right now. All you have to do is start. And then, moments will keep moving, as moments do. One moment will stack on top of another and before you know it, you’ll have arrived at your destination. Don’t doubt your ability to be GREAT !! Take out all the negative self talk and go for it ! Starting means initiating action. Starting means committing to a choice of some kind or another. This is how you know it is a true start.
Fitness Heroics – CrossFit Epically Awesome
25 KB swings OH
shoulders with band
6 min bar warm-up (No Measure)
1 Minute of Burpees
Followed by…
5 minutes w/ a barbell
5 Deadlifts
5 Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Push Press
10/20/15 Skill (AMRAP – Reps)
Pull ups
Rx:Any form of Pull ups or assisted with bands
Rx+: Strict, Kipping, Butterfly
10/20/15 (Time)
Partner WOD
Complete 5 rounds. One person working at a time. Split up however you want to do it. One bar is used between partners.
Start with 50 Burpees between partners
5 rounds
30 deadlifts
24 hang cleans
18 front squats
12 push jerks
25 weighted PVC pass-through
Superhero Training
stretch quads and IT band
Clean Complex with Front squat (3 x 1 )
1 rep:
1-Hang clean
1- Front squat
Double-Unders (3 x ME)
10/20/15 SH (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12 Min AMRAP
400 M run
10 OTB burpee
5 Power Cleans
How to become FEARLESS under Heavy weights !
As you all know, lifting heavy weights can sometimes render up that little voice in the back of your mind that might question your ability to lift it. You need to have confidence in yourself and your abilities to be able to accomplish and achieve what you have sitting in front of you. Below are a list of things that you need to keep in mind when you are weight training to keep the positive vibes flowing and the negative ones tucked away !!
-The goal of weight lifting is to improve performance, so set long-term goals. When you repeat a workout you’re comfortable with, try to improve on your last experience in some way. That can mean doing one more rep than last time, adding a bit more weight, or decreasing the rest periods between sets.
-Lifting weights makes you physically stronger and mentally stronger. You are able to push the limits of your body and your mind learns the concepts of pushing the limits. Therefore you become unstoppable!
-When in doubt, don’t do it. Back injuries are all too common in lifting. Protect your lower back by keeping an erect spine instead of rounding your back and shoulders forward. Don’t even think about hunching over while re-racking those weights!
-Lift heavy weights. You build tight, strong, dense muscle by lifting heavy weights. More muscle burns more calories.
-Challenge needs change. You need to keep it varied and always challenging your mind and body. Do something you didn’t think you can accomplish. Maybe that’s running a time trial or rowing intervals with little rest.
-Speaking of change, watch the mirror and not the scale. So what if the scale didn’t move but your pants size is going down and you can SEE changes in your muscles. What your body is composed of is far more important than the weight on the scale !
If you take the time to become confident in the gym, everything will start to work in your favor. Your lifts will go up, you will have more determination and drive due to positive changes in your body and mind! There is nothing you can’t do as long s you set your mind to it !
Fitness Heroics – CrossFit Epically Awesome
Bent over row with 2 x KB for 25 reps
Double ball on lower back
Stationary #3 (No Measure)
6 Jump Squats
6 Perfect Stretches
6 Inch Worm Burpees
Bent Over Row (3 x 8 )
WOD #1
10/19/15 (Time)
3 Rounds For time
10 KB Push Press (total reps)
15 toes to bar or rings
20 SDLHP with KB
Rx: 53/35
Rx+: 62/44
Rest 3 Mins before WOD #2
WOD #2
10/19/15 WOD #2 (AMRAP – Reps)
In a 5 min time cap:
perform 60 sit ups then do as many reps of wall balls with the remaining time.
Score is the amount of wall ball reps completed.
Rx: 20/14
50 banded face pulls
Superhero Training
lower back / hamstrings
Sumo Deadlift (5 x 5 )
work up to a heavy set.
Incline Push ups (3 x ME)
Feet are elevated to create a deficit.
10/19/15 SH (Time)
For Time
150 DU
100 steps walking lunges
50 Calorie Row
Rx: DU