Learn how to do front lever progression exercises and holds on rings. We go over position and the importance of scaling.
News & Events
Fitness Heroics – CrossFit
5×10 Squat cleans w/ PVC pipe
Yoga Warm Up 2 (No Measure)
-Forward Triangle
-Reverse Triangle
-Down Dog
Bench Press (3 sets of 5 reps @ 85% of 5 rep max)
5/21/2015 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
13 Min AMRAP
8 Box Jumps
4 Muscle-ups
Any height
Muscle up transitions
30/24 Box
33/27 Box w/ 45lb plate on it
50 Goblet Squats
50 Ring Dips
The Kettlebell Swing: Be a successful SWINGER
When looking for the perfect exercise that combines heart pumping cardiovascular benefits along with strengthening the posterior chain, the Kettlebell Swing is the winner!
Below are reasons why is the Kettlebell Swing a great exercise to incorporate into your weekly routine :
1.) According to Dr. Stuart McGil, he found kettlebell swings show a reversed polarity of posterior shear at L4 and L5 when compared to traditional posterior chain exercises. This is important because for those with lower back issues traditional posterior chain exercises such as deadlifts, good mornings, may further inflict the condition, while swings may not. For those looking to strengthen the lower back and unable to use these traditional exercises the swing may be just the thing they’re looking for.
2.)Lower loads are safer to use because of the dynamic nature of the swing. Thus lessening the opportunity to overload or injure the body. A well-performed swing is ballistic in nature. A swing should be punched forward by the hips, not pushed slowly into place. The swing is as ballistic as a standing jump. Due to the demands on the body using lower loads are almost a necessity. The lower back simply can’t be overloaded the way it could be via dead-lifts or power cleans because of the forceful acceleration of the movement.
3.) Teaching you how to breathe when placing demands on the cardiovascular system is a must ! Knowing when to inhale and exhale makes all the difference in how long you can sustain the demands of this exercise. Imagine your spine as a flagpole. On it’s own, with no bracing it just kind of flops around in the breeze. But when you use forceful exhalation you are essentially creating a stiff wall around that flagpole to keep it stiffer. When the brain registers the spine is stable it allows you to create more power. So in theory your abdomen is like the volume control for your strength. The more tension you create there, the stiffer the spine, the more force you can generate. Which is why you need to be consciously working on holding a neutral tight spine and core.
Now lets move into breaking down this move for you to practice !
The Kettlebell Swing:
**Set up with hips back, shoulders down, lats engaged, connected and linked holding onto the bell with two hands
- Think about the swing as a deadlift motion in fast forward.
- Hike the kettlebell up and back, as you would a football.
- Push your hips backward.
- Retract your shoulder blades and maintain that position.
- Keep your shins vertical throughout the movement.
- Drive your hips forward forcefully, making the kettlebell float to shoulder height.
- Form a plank with your body at the top of the swing. This means bracing your abs and creating a straight line from head to heel.
- Repeat.Video Resource: https://youtu.be/zBIWpPfc6NY
Fitness Heroics – CrossFit
300 Double unders
900 Single Jumps
-Quad Smash
-Couch Stretch
Stationary #2 (No Measure)
8 Minute AMSAP
20 Pass thrus
10 Overhead Squats w/ Band
5 Push-ups
5/20/2015 (Weight)
30 minute ETMOM
7 Back Squats
Starts w/ any weight
RX: starts w/ 95/75
Starts w/ 135/95
Must go up in weight every 2 minutes until failure or time is done. If you fail, go back to last successful weight and keep doing sets at that weight, not worrying about going on every 2 minutes.
SCORE= Heaviest weight + Extra reps (every 2 reps count as 1 lb)
2 Rounds:
25 Knees-2-Elbows
25 Sit-ups
Circuit Training !
Why I love circuit training and why you should love it too !!!
Metabolic Circuit Training (MCT) also know as Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT) is an optimal way to train in order to round out your strength training program. It is a common term thrown around but many don’t fully understand what it really means or ever WHY they do it. I can personally tell you that adding in MRT ito your training program, you will see faster results as well as create a more balanced physique.
I personally LOVE circuits. Its the cornerstone of my physique and it helps me balance out my muscles and create overall fullness in weaker areas of my body. BUT what exactly is MRT and what does it do to your body?? Let me explain. Metabolic resistance training is a form of metabolic conditioning. It uses the 3 exercise pathways in our bodies to condition the muscles and turn your body into a fat burning machine. Metabolic conditioning is excellent for fat loss and overall conditioning of the body. It’s a full total body functioning workout that leaves your body in a fat burning state 24-48 hours post workout.
A few examples of how you can set up a circuit are as follows:
–Tabata: 20 seconds of hard work, followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 total rounds. This is only 4 minutes of work, but be warned….its a hard 4 minutes
–30 On/30 Off: 30 seconds of hard work, followed by 30 seconds of rest for 6 total rounds
– Weighted Circuits: Perform 3-6 exercises in a row with minimal to no rest between sets. These exercises should follow a logical pattern and should include elements of pushing, pulling, squatting, hinging, and carrying objects.
The rest period determines the intensity of the workout an which pathway is used. Strength training and MRT are not interchangeable. The goals of MRT is to condition the body using various exercises and equipment that tax the body in short bouts while allowing enough recovery time to catch your breath and continue. Using heavy weights to tax the muscles is not the goal but using moderate weights for maximal capacity is the preferred method. MRT circuits are set up systematiclly with a goal in mind. They are not just random exercises thrown together but set up in a complex fashion to reap the benefits of a full body program. IF you are looking for strength gains, using a traditional bodybuilding programming would be ideal for you.
How do you know if this type of training is for you? Ask yourself the goals you are trying to achieve. Then make sure that your goals align with your training and nutrition. The results you desire are based upon training and nutrition. Here are a few basic guidelines to follow:
1.)You need to ensure that you are eating enough calories to support your intense training, The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism, so don’t sacrifice your lean mass for a smaller number on the scale!
2.) You should plan your strength workouts for 3-4 days out of the week and supplement MRT training 2-3 times a week. MRT is meant to enhance your strength program and not replace it.
3.) Find activities that you enjoy doing and keep your body moving around. You don’t want to compromise your lifting efforts by burning muscle away doing cardiovascular training long duration.
Be sure to add in some of this Metabolic Resistance Training into your regular routine to enhance your strength training program. I promise that you will see amazing results and you will find a new way of training that challenges you!!!
Fitness Heroics – CrossFit
750 meter row
Burgener Warm-up (No Measure)
1. Down and “Finish”
2. Elbows High and Outside
3. Muscle Snatch
4. Snatch Lands at 2″, 4″, 6″
5. Snatch Drops
1. Snatch Push Press
2. Overhead Squat
3. Heaving Snatch Balance
4. Snatch Balance without a dip
5. Snatch Balance with a dip
Squat Snatch (3 rep max)
5/19/2015 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 Minute AMRAP
7 Single arm kettlebell swings EACH ARM
7 Wall Ball
7 Push-ups
any weight
any height
Push ups on rings
KBS 53/35 above eye level
Wall Ball, 20/14, 10ft/9ft
Strict Push-ups
KBS above eye level, 62/44
WB 20/14, 11ft/10ft
Clapping Push-ups
100 Iron Mikes