for your children

CrossFit Kids


what you need to know about about this class

This program is geared towards young kids at all age levels who want to have fun with fitness, workout with their friends, and feel inspired by a fun fitness program.

key features about this class

Our program will make your son or daughter a better athlete, and improve their health. We will be teaching how to make fitness fun and enjoyable. Along with the importance of adding simple health principles into their everyday life. Our program will consist of:


Class Time

LEVEL 1 & 2


4:30PM - 5:30PM


4:30PM - 5:30PM


Yes, this program is geared towards young kids at all age levels who want to have fun with fitness, workout with their friends, and feel inspired by a fun fitness program.

We provide all of the equipment your child will need for class. We do have a refillable water-station, so please make sure they have a water bottle.

See our pricing sheet below.

Yes. This class is for all ages. If you have specific concerns about your child’s age, please contact one of our coaches. 

The Details


$ 34
For Members, billed every 2 weeks.
  • Access to L1 or L2 classes


$ 39
For Non-Members, billed every 2 weeks.
  • Access to L1 or L2 classes


$ 10
Drop-in fee
  • Access to L1 or L2 classes


These kids don't give up

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