So many people join a gym looking for results or to lose weight. It seems that more often people are not getting the results they want because they are either doing improper form OR they are not working as hard as they think they are. Along with the fact their nutrition is probably in need of some help. It is always a concern though when you see someone paying good money for a service like personal training or CrossFit that is in a smaller group setting who is NOT performing movements correctly. So what exactly ARE these coaches and trainers helping you with ?
It is important to realize the QUALITY that you are getting at a gym or CrossFit box in terms of attention and adjusting your from if you are doing it incorrectly. Below is great advice on how to choose a good CrossFit box:
-Beginners Program: Gone are the days of just getting thrown into a class and now there are programs set into place to ensure that you are capable of the performing the basic fundamental movements to set you up for success.A beginners program should provide an opportunity to assess your ability and address any limitations you may have. It bridges the knowledge gap for the newbie and shows your instructors care about your experience. Any new experience can be scary and a beginners program shows the gym recognizes this and wants you to succeed on your journey.
-Movement quality: How is your movement?? The coach or trainer should assess your movement for any flexibility or motor control issues. You should be asked about any pain you experience. If you are not performing something properly there should be progressions and scaling options for different movements should be covered. Or if you are advanced a higher option should be provided to you.
-Goals: After your initial orientation, there should be an opportunity for you to discuss your goals with a member of the coaching team. Before you do any training, the trainer should ask you some questions such as :Why are you here? What do you want to achieve? How will you know when you have achieved it? The trainer should be attentive and listen to what you have to say. Any concerns or worries should be appeased at this stage. If they are not concerned about YOU then that place might not give you the attention you need.
-Program Structure: Quality CrossFit gyms recognize the value in structured programming with an objective. A strength program should be incorporating squatting, hip hinging, pulling, and pushing on a regular basis. And there needs to be a reason behind the workout or WOD. Maybe the exercises complement the strength, e.g. box jumps after you back squat. Then ask: Do the workouts vary during the week in duration or are they all the same? Are all the workouts performed at maximum intensity or is there a focus on quality of movement? If you don’t know why ASK !
-Clean and Tidy: This can be taken for granted if you have never trained at another CrossFit gym. There are no excuses for operating a dirty gym. Fear of tripping over equipment or dealing with rusty equiptment should not be concerns while training. Equipment should be set up in some kind of order during classes to ensure safety of athletes and ease of group control and coaching. When you are told to get something from the rack that is when you get it and it should be returned to that spot before you are finished and walk out of class.
-Improvements and Success: Are you seeing an improvement? Are you better today than you were yesterday? Is your progress being tracked in some type of system that you can look back on your scores and see how you are improving? Second on the list of priorities for gyms after safety are results. Done correctly, CrossFit works. If you are training consistently, eating well, and sleeping well, then things should be changing for the better.Is your back squat improving? Can you do more push ups and chin ups than when you started?If you are not getting better, then something needs to change. That something could be your gym.
-Quality Coaching: Each trainer needs to have good communication skills and a range of coaching cues to suit the clients. The coaching should be clear, concise, and use a varied tone to suit the activity. e.g. a max-effort back squat requires aggression and the coaching should reflect that. In contrast, a 5km row requires the athlete to remain calm and focused, which would be helped by coaching cues that support this. The NUMBER ONE PRIORITY IS CLIENT SAFETY !
One of the biggest things that you want to keep in mind is the aspect of FUN! Are you enjoying what you are doing? Is this making you a better person in a variety of aspects of your life? You need to make sure that you are enjoying what you are doing and not just going through the motions. If you keep these tips in mind you will have the best experience and see the best results if you have the proper support and coaches to help you reach them.