The point of the couch stretch is to really get a great stretch into your quads and other hip flexor muscles. This helps to improve your hip extension for CrossFit movements, gets you in a better squat position with knees tracking out, undoes the damage from sitting all day, can help relieve pain in different areas of the body. Plus a major benefit is that it can be done at the convenience of your own home on your own couch !
How to:
-Place an ab mat on the floor under your knee
– Place the back leg and foot up the wall with a tight midline and upright chest ( be sure not to arch the body and compromise the stretch)
** If you are arching your back here are 2 common reasons why**
1. Midline is not active
2. Your muscles may be way too tight to allow for this position especially in the hip flexors.
-Lunge forward with the front leg with the knee in line with but not over the toe.
-If you are able, remain in an upright position the entire time pushing your hips forward without arching your back. If arching your back is an issue, come off the wall farther and still perform the stretch.
-Once you’ve developed some mastery of the basic couch stretch, you can spice it up. Adding a plate under the front foot and closing your stance are fun ways to start free-styling and hitting new and unique corners. A word of caution, though ,get the basics right first. These variations will do nothing but bring frustration if you haven’t cultivated the basic positions for this technique.
Be sure to incorporate this stretch into your routine to keep healthy and happy hips !