The universe has a vision for us to follow and believe it or not we tend to manipulate the process. We try to “make” things happen or work for us instead of just listening to intuition. We want our job to be a certain way. We want our house to look a certain way. We want to fit a certain mold which usually means we conform to society and the ignorant beliefs that we are not enough. Fear starts to dictate our lives and we end up anxious, disappointed, maybe even downright miserable.
The presence of fear is a sure sign that you’re relying on your own strength. And your own strength has nothing on the strength of the Universe. There is guidance and wisdom far beyond what you think is right. So why are you not listening to the power of the universe ? Whether you are a spiritual person or not, stop praying for what you think you need instead pray for guidance. When you start to align with a presence greater than you and surrender humbly, you will be led to exactly what you need. You may not like the journey at first or you might be placed into a difficult situation but it will be worth it.
Our intuition and higher self is smarter than we are. We tend to have a vision of what we think our lives should be like instead of what it really is. If you can open your heart and mind to the thoughts that you are in a position to be led to a place you are supposed to be. Can you truly sit and synchronize your thoughts around having fun living with full acceptance that you are placed on this earth to receive the peace, intention, serenity and love that you can offer the world. Can you become unapologetic to the fact that you have the capacity to be great ? If you can find that shining moment in your life you are giving yourself the permission to be great and that greatness with shine through and flow over to others.
When the desire for change is larger than the desire to stay in our comfort zone, big things can happen. Rather than just indiscriminately repeating the mantra “let go,” get curious about what specifically is preventing you from stepping up. And then let go of that specific thought, belief, assumption or whatever it is. Know that the universe is loving you by serving you, even if that doesn’t please you. Sometimes, not getting what we want is even better.
Love. It all comes back to love — in the fiercest way possible.